It’s all about stories :)

Everyday is a story. Every life is a story. Every relationship is a story. Every moment has a story in it. The only difference is how we see it, perceive it and narrate it. We have beauty embedded all around us. In The morning rays of the sun,the chirping of birds, the blooming of plants, the falling of leaves, the dance of the butterflies, the rhythm of wind or in the way we cook, the ingredients of our food, the innocence of a baby, the house we live, the habits of people, everything has so much to talk about. We just need to learn to see, learn to listen, learn to touch, learn to smell & learn to sense. Learn to respect & learn to appreciate. And after all, learn to narrate. “The God is in the details”. The moment we engage with all of these, they inspire us, inform us and instill passion in us to live & to create. Let’s not be sad about being confined for a long time. Look around. There’s much more in this life, which we wouldn’t have even noticed otherwise. Let’s learn to appreciate the little things, and search for the stories around in it. Every design is about its story. The difference is how we capture it from around us and how we choose to narrate it to others. It’s all about how deep we connect, with the story, its natural setting and its characters. beautiful frames are all around you. Indulge in it and let the stories emerge !!

Vivek :)


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