Where do you want to relate to? Is there anything called Kerala/Indian design? What is Identity ?

Identity  is beyond political boundaries. We do believe there is nothing like a kerala identity or indian identity. Identity is defined by climate, natural resources and culture. Whetever we perceive as kerala architecture, whether it’s the sloping roof or the central courtyard or long verandahs, are all very sensible responses to the tropical climate that we are blessed with. What determined the form and details is the natural availability of good quality wood, owing to the geographical uniqueness of our state. These images were then articulated over ages, to create symbols to represent political, social and religious ideals, which are now miss interpreted as the symbols of identity of the entire region. While the symbols do have a cultural significance, it doesn’t anyway reflect any particular political domain.
India, as a country has the most diverse geographical conditions, climate and hence celebrates a wide palette of culture and ethnicity. “India” is a very recent political term while the settlements existed in the peninsula dating back to indus valley civilization followed by several eras of invasions and ethnic interactions. Presence of very organized settlements and the intense struggle to survive, has inspired the generations to master several arts and craft habits. These symbols of rich craft heritage is now interpreted as the indian identity in design. While the onset of industrial revolution, cubist movement and modernism, inspired a completely different minimal language in the west, the east, including india, had a more organic development of design styles, with evident influences from this long craft and material traditions. This is again highly dependent on different regions and to unify it as an indian identity may not be truthful


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